viernes, 18 de junio de 2021

Sol de Lituania

 The students of Kaunas Kindergarten ‘Smalsutis’ , ‘Padaužiukai’ group (year 3-5) together with their parents , educator Vilma Paulauskienė are happy  to be able to participate in the eTwinning project ‘EARTH ART: LET’S CREATE TOGEHER’.

Each family in their personal surroundings expressed the feelings dedicated to the Earth and the nature. 

In their personal way they were joining the environmental protection project, which is appointed to the International Earth Day.

The students were acquainted with the importance of the nature and human beings.  During our activities, as the main axis we defined the respect to our Earth and the surroundings. Moreover, we organized and participated in the ecological activities: ‘The Earth Day in a different way’.

What is more, we integrated STEAM methodology into our learning process. All of us experienced the happy moments during our creation process. Moreover, we, together with our family members are satisfied with the whole process and the result as well.

Los niños de ed. infantil junto con sus familias, elaboran diferentes representaciones del sol para celebrar el día del Planeta Tierra desde su relación con el Sol. Nos ayuda a recordar lo interconectado que estamos entre toda la naturaleza y nosotros mismos. 

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